Big Value Package

To : Agape Superior Living's Distributors and Members
From : Agape Superior Living Sdn Bhd
Subject : Big Value Package
Date : 27 November 2023
Ref : ASL-Annoucement-20231127-002
With reference to the subject mentioned above,

2. We are pleased to announce that Big Value Package Promotion will start on 27th November 2023 to 31st October 2024.

3.The promotional Big Value Package is as follow, and you may also refer to our flyer for more information.

Promotion Package DPRM MPRM RPRM BV
Big Value Package
LIVO5 x10

1. LIVO5 x2
2. Soy Protein Isolate Powder x2
3. Mix Soy Protein Isolate Powder with Black Sesame x2

PPC: RM100 x 5




Terms and Conditions:
  1. All the above packages will get free woven bag while stock last.
  2. Each Personal Product Coupon (PPC) is valued at RM100 and is valid for a duration of 6 months from the date of issuance. Purchases made using PPCs do not qualify for business volume (BV) or trip point (TP) entitlements. PPCs can be utilized as a method of payment for product purchases, provided that the total price of the products being acquired is at least twice the value of the PPC being used. In other words, the product purchase amount should be a minimum of RM200 for each RM100 PPC to be applied. PPCs hold no cash value and cannot be exchanged for monetary compensation. As an illustration, if the total invoice amount is RM890.00 up to 4 Personal Product Coupon (RM100 x 4PPCs) can be utilized. In the case, purchaser will be responsible for covering the remaining balance, which amounts to RM490.00.
  3. Purchasers can achieve distributor status by accumulating purchases totalling 300BV. This status directly conferred upon those who purchase the big value package of 300BV, while those choosing other packages will initially maintain member status for new signups until their total purchases reach 300BV, at which point they will become distributors.
  4. . Free delivery within Malaysia is available for purchases of a minimum of RM500 made in a single receipt.
  5. Easy payment options are available for packages with a value of RM1000 and above, subject to company’s terms and conditions.
  6. Free membership for any above packages purchased.
  7. Packages do not include Trip Point (TP).
  8. The company reserves the right to make changes to the packages at any time without prior notice. In the event of a change, a revised terms and conditions will be posted on the company’s official website.

4.Should you require further assistance, feel free to reach us at our careline at +6011- 10887880 or write to us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Thank you.

Best regards,
Agape Superior Living Sdn Bhd